Principles of Mighty Acorns
Small, intimate school with a loving, family feel- special focus on each individual while working as a team
Compassionate Communication- emphasis on awareness of feelings, the needs they indicate, and how to meet needs through respectful communication, negotiation, and peace management
Community Orientation/Service Learning- awareness, care, and action for ourselves, one another, our families, people in need, animals and plants, and the environment
Expeditionary Learning- regular field trips to incorporate real world experience into our themes
Nature Awareness, Environmental Education- seasons, weather, flora, fauna awareness/attunement/skills/stewardship
Integrated Thematic Learning- monthly/seasonal unifying themes integrated into subjects/skills/activities
Learning Style Led/Individuated Learning/Experiential Education- concepts/activities available in visual, auditory, kinesthetic, musical, artistic, adventurous, enactable, and other forms

*School year schedule,
with summer camps.
2-4 days/week attendance
*6-10 children
*3-5 years old
*Near Nevada City